Weekly Shonen Jump magazine revealed that the magazine's third issue on December 16 will publish a special one-shot chapter for Osamu Akimoto's Kochikame manga.
The special chapter is in celebration of Akimoto receiving the 2019 Medal with Purple Ribbon honor in November. The medal is awarded to "individuals who have contributed to academic and artistic developments, improvements and accomplishments.
Akimoto's Kochira Katsushika-ku Kamearikouen-mae Hashutsujo police comedy manga is launched in 1976, and ended in September 2016 after 40 years. This manga is Weekly Shonen Jump's longest-running manga series and one of the most popular anime series in India.
This manga series had approximately 150 million copies and a television anime series, anime films, anime specials, live-action films, a live-action series, and several stage plays.
Source: ANN